Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Inferno...Part Deux

I got in a hurry last night when I was finishing up my blog post, and I forgot to post my favorite part! I of course realized this today when I went to go and throw my notes away (Yes, I take notes as I read...It's good practice!).

Anywho, there is nothing I love more than finding quotes in literature. Especially quotes that evoke beautiful images...and ones that are repeatable, and applicable to life. So I will share two of my faves from Dan Brown's Inferno.

"Outside in the newly fallen darkness, the world had been transformed. The sky had become a glistening tapestry of stars."

I close my eyes, and I can clearly picture the scene. I feel like I've seen it so many times...especially living where I do and going on the outdoor adventures that I do. And now every time I look up at the night sky, I will think about and take in the "tapestry of stars."

My second favorite quote is actually a quote of a quote. Robert Langdon quotes Dante. PS: Yes, I totally verified that Dante said it...What kind of English major would I be if I didn't get my facts right?!

"Remember tonight...for it's the beginning of always." ~ Dante Alighieri

I really don't think I need to elaborate on the Dante quote!

Until next time!

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