Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 4 ~ Gone Girl

Gone Girl!

I don't even know if I have the words to....


I think that's much closer to me whilst reading this book!

Okay, now that I've collected myself, I feel like I should preface this post by saying, I generally am not a fan of mystery, thriller type novels (Hmm...I feel like I've typed that sentence before...I'll have to look into it). Anywho, so not a mystery, thriller fan. I can't stand the suspense, and more often than not I want to look up spoilers and find out what's going to happen because it kills me to wait! *Disclaimer: I DID NOT read any spoilers or online synopsis of the novel...I just breezed through it as quickly as time allowed! That reason alone is probably why I waited so long to read the novel...Unlike everyone else who read it two years ago when it was released. And with the film's impending release, I have been dodging spoilers like a middleweight dodges the heavyweight champ! (It's been quite the battle too!)

So rewind to about six months ago, I was cruising the IMDB app because...well let's just face it, the app is in my Top 5 most used right next to Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia, and Kindle apps. Anywho, checking out IMDB and the Gone Girl movie trailer popped up. So I watch it, and my immediate reaction: "Holy shit! I have to read that book!" And so started my time on the "Beloved Waiting List" at the eLibrary for a copy to become available. *Sidenote: Why do they limit the amount of copies that can be checked out on the eLibrary? If it's electronic should there be an unlimited amount of copies? Why does there have to be a waiting list in the first place? End rant* So basically what happened was, my number would come up on the wait list, I'd check it out, and then something would come up and I wouldn't read it. So this went on for several months, until this week.

So super quick, I offer you the ten cent synopsis (that I stole from Amazon...Yup, I did it so I could get to the crazy important stuff): On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?

By the way...I'm really not going to say anything super profound about this book...Mainly because I don't want to give anything away to anyone who hasn't read it yet. I'm pretty much just gonna spout some randomness here. Most of the blog post is from my notes.

Since high school, when it comes to reading, I have been a type A person. As I read, I love to make margin notes, dissect passages to read between the lines, ask questions, or make predictions. Now the face of reading for me has changed. I have upgraded and now use the Kindle app on my iPhone to read most of my books these. (Yes, I know the "Reading Purists" would say that I suck for not reading actual books anymore...Well haters gonna hate...I'm just gonna shake it off...Yes, I just dropped a little T-Swift on all of them!). Back on track, I have had to get creative on my note taking since I literally can't write on my iPhone. So I have several notebooks (Yes, several) that I carry around to make notes in them about the books I'm reading.

From the minute I started reading Gone Girl, I have been taking notes. For those of you that have read the novel, already, you know that the book is totally a "Who done it?" type of story. So throughout Part One, I found myself theorizing about what happened to Amy and who did it. There were just too many predictions to keep track of all of them. So notes were necessary! You will see them pictured below! *WARNING* If you haven't read the book, there might be some serious spoilers in here...Perhaps you should avert your eyes from the next few photos!

For those of you who have read the book and looked at the photos, you can note how my handwriting gets more frantic the deeper into the story I get. That is of course due to my excitement! Not to brag, but I totally called a major plot point in the novel...It is #4 on my list of Predictions and Theories! Insert smug smirk emoji here! Even though I had several guesses about throughout parts one and two...there was nothing that could prepare me for part three. I can honestly say that I had NO idea where the story was gonna go or how it was going to end for everyone. And while the ending is ambiguous, I feel like that was the only way it could have ended. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and recommend that everyone read it ASAP!!

Reading Challenge Points: 35/200!

This week, I'm going to be reading High Society: The Life of Grace Kelly by Donald Spoto. Pretty sure the title is self explanatory. This book will fulfill the following challenge: Read a biography, autobiography or memoir!

Until next week!

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