Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Night Circus

Clearly I'm starting off on the right foot with this blog! Lol! But I've been on a "Downton Abbey" kick, which has most def added several books to my read list for this year! I can hardly wait! :)

Back on track though, this post is merely to serve as an update of sorts and to air some of my grievances and thoughts on currents reads!

1) I am currently reading "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern. I checked the book out because I mean the title alone leaves so many possibilities as to what the book could be about! I am about 55 pages in and I might be a little lost. It's like there are several plot lines happening.

One is the mysterious Night Circus that shows up unannounced and is only open from dusk to dawn. All patrons experience events that can only be described as the supernatural.

The second is about two children (a boy and a girl) whose guardians are magicians that seem to be training their children to compete in some sort of duel of wits. Although I'm not even sure if it will be a duel. The magicians refer to it as "playing" and each is allowed to train their child for years. The only formal commitment of the pending competition is when each child has a ring placed on their finger that "burns/scars/marks" them as the competitor.

I'm not quite sure if I'm enjoying this book yet. It jumps back and forth between the two plot lines, and is very cryptic. The author hints at things that are happening to the children as they grow up and learn, but it never directly says what is going on. I have no idea what is going to happen and why there is even a pending competition between the two marks. I have so many questions about the back story: What's up with the old magician guardians? What is their past relationship like? Why are they using these children as competitors?

And then of course, I have predictions in my mind. Did they set up their competitors as a boy and a girl simply because they will be future lovers? Will they join the eponymous Night Circus with their new found "powers?"

Ps: I feel like I should mention that one reviewer of this book said it was like Harry Potter, which I do not see at all! But maybe that is to come further into the book! Either way I will be persevering through it to find out! And I will post more later!

2) I'm also reading Furious Love. It's about the live affair between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton! I am immensely enjoying the read! It is so detailed about their lives and the others that were affected by their relationship and movies! I have a million thoughts to post about the book, but I will wait until I am finished! I have a little over half left and can't wait to finish it!

Btw, a Gone With the Wind post is coming! I just need to sit down a write it! Hopefully this week! :)

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